Monday, April 21, 2008

The Twiggiest Thing I Saw Today!

Today the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board Department of Forestry brought us a new tree for our boulevard!

It is a "Greenspire" Linden.

The old one caught some tree disease and was removed about a year ago. Great turn around City of Minneapolis!

It is pouring rain right now, I hope that helps it grow strong roots here!

I hope it likes the neighborhood. I hope it does not get spooked by the upcoming May Day Festival.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The MeMe-est thing I did today....

I was tagged by the sassy MNMOM, who was tagged by another enjoyable blog friend Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein, with this little frequently visited websites MEME.

I decided, "What the heck! I could do this or fold some laundry.....but this helps promote lovely things so it should happen first."

My frequented blogs are on the right, of course I encourage you to check them out, but here are 5 non-blog places I visit pretty much all the time.

So, I am addicted to this site and you can hear me put that on record somewhere else on the internets. (See me in all my grace at 4:51min into the vid) Some of my friends blame me for getting them addicted too, does that make me an etsy dealer?

I love what people make and I wish I could buy more. Instead I just scroll through and wish for things and also pass products on to my friends when I think they might like something.

Here are some things I have bought lately:
Skateboard necklace
Diamond Earings
Naughty Golden Retriever Puppet for my friend Nancy
Blankie Cape for a new baby in the family
Apron for the new big sister

This is where I go to download some indie rock n roll and other elements of the musical canon. It is $9.99 a month for 30 downloads. If you are interested I can "invite" you and you get a whole bunch free.

Anyway, I love music and the whole idea of independent labels so this is a cheap way for my to feed my rock and roll lifestyle and still have money for tickets to shows and things on etsy....

Albums I have downloaded lately:
The Mountain Goats
The New Pornographers
Bon Iver
Jeff Hanson
John Phillip Sousa's Greatest Hits
(The March KING!!! With The Minnesota March! I love marching bands, ok?! Here is me in marching band:

That's a huge white feather plume on top of a round helmet- HOT!)

3. Red Hot Pawn
My husband taught me how to play chess on our honeymoon last May. I am still learning...I have won 3 games total! I mainly play with a friend I met randomly on the site who lives in California. We became friends because somehow we came to a draw and I accidentally called him "honey" because I got his game confused with one I was playing with my husband.

Believe it or not, I have been "hit on" and talked to very inappropriately by people on the chess site! Now I only accept games from people I know. Let me know if you want to play chess. Inappropriate propositions can be left in this blog.

4. Scrabulous
I play when I can. There are some scrabble champs on there who are too cool to play a casual player like me.

5. Goodreads
Here I log the books I read and have read and want to read in the future. I also like seeing what my friends are reading and try to rally up new people for the book club I am in.

If you are on goodreads, let me know and I will check out your shelf!

(See, now that could be taken the wrong way, but I mean it in all literary good ways.)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Public Serviest thing I saw today!

I was down at the Mayo Clinic yesterday to see a relative. There we were, just a-waiting in the waiting room and in came one of my favorite Minnesota heroes:

Walter Mondale was being seen in the same office!

You know, the former Vice President to Jimmy Carter? The one portrayed as a janitor and the namesake of a laundry ship on The Simpsons?

Poor Fritz, he can't go to the doctors office without being gawked at and poorly drawn by his fans!

My relative is still down there and today the Dalai Lama was there for his check up. My family knows how to draw in the world leaders!

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Keystone Copiest Thing I Saw today: FINALE!

And now, the dramatic conclusion of this rapid and comical airport pick-up:
Phew! I got scared at the end there!

And so ends my tale of the airport pick-up to end all airport pick-ups! It all took place over about 10 minutes or less. I wish I had the time to make a flip book or a claymation film about the events.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Keystone Cop-iest Thing I Saw Today: Part 4

And we're back!

This series really challenged my stick figure art ability. Two new people joined the scene. I was still watching all of this from my car waiting in the airport baggage claim pickup zone.

The final set is to come.

I hope they all did their stretches before this....

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Keystone Cop-iest Thing I Saw Today: Part 3

Still going.....

This section of the action is the classic fight between man and machine. Can man overcome the power of the monster he created?More to come, with more new friends to meet!

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Keystone Cop-iest thing I saw today: Part 2

Here is the second installment of the comical airport pick up I witnessed.

Enjoy and come back for the remainder of the shtick.

And awaaaaaaaay we go:

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Keystone Cop-iest thing I saw today

I picked up my parents from the airport last night and I witnessed perhaps the most comical airport picture ever. I am going to draw it out for you comic style, frame by frame.

The scene was classic, think Keystone Cops or silent Laurel and Hardy. I watched it all from my car because he parked right in front of mine.

I suggest some Flight of the Bumblebee in the backgrounds you watch:

We begin with our hero arriving at the airport pick-up area and launching into his heroic task.

(click to enlarge)