Thursday, June 28, 2007

The brand-iest thing I saw today.

Begging has been in the news a lot around Minneapolis lately. It is a part of the culture of cities all around the globe. In some cultures it is respected and as someone with means it is your duty to help the people who cannot help themselves. In other places it is a disgraceful behavior.

I drove past a man begging at an intersection the other day with a clever and yet ironic sign:

Though sad and true, given the stereotypes of this group of people, I suspect referencing a brand of alcohol on your sign is not the right way to get ample funds.

I think that this guy should be asking for advertising funds from Absolut vodka. There he is standing up in the elements and promoting their brand for free. Fact is Absolut would probably sue him for using their copyrighted name for his own financial gain.


LoveDynamite said...

wow they would lol
Truely this is sad:D

B said...

maybe the bottle of vodka was his only inspiration. :(

mushroommeadows said...

Totally, completely, utterly ironic. :) So funny!

DoubleM said...

I think my sign would have to read:

Popov Desperation.

Yeah, I drink the cheap stuff.

Sad but true. :o)

jody said...

maybe it WAS an advertisement by them-knid of like the no smoking ads by philip morris :)thanks for coming by my blog today! good luck in the vacuum search!

jody said...

btw-those are my hubby's sandals and he seems to like them-i have keens and i like them b/c i run into things a lot w/ my feet :) hope that helps some!

Anonymous said...

I knwo EXACTLY who that guy is, and I bet you were at the exit ramp at 46th street and 35W? I've seen him a million times, and it's the guy who always makes me the saddest, because he just looks like some kid who could totally be one of my friends...

At that same intersection, I've seen:
Too lazy to work
IRS took my jag, yacht is next.

I cracked up at the IRS one and gve him $10. Usually I don't give money, I'll give meals or something, but that made me laugh on a terribly bad day, and I figured the laugh was worth ten bucks.

i i eee said...

Laughter is the best way to get someone to whip out the dollars!

We don't get snarky homeless people here in Utah. Go figure. :)

The Happy Hippie said...

Ha- that's interesting.
I once saw a homeless guy w/ a sign that read "tell me off for a dollar." I thought that was pretty original.

Citizen said...

Absolut would absolutly sue him. No two ways about it.

sarah said...

i totally saw this guy last weekend. 35W and 46th street. he was making these puppy dog faces, really dramatic. sigh.. i did not notice how absolute was spelled though, until i read your blog.

Vikki said...

I generally don't give money but have offered food that I have had in the car. Last weekend, we passed a guy at 36th St. and 35W and my 6 year old son insisted that I give him money but I did not have any cash. When we got home, he asked me for something from the ice cream truck and I told him no (again, I had no money). We got into the house and he said, "I am so mad at you right now!" I told him that he had had too much sugar anyway. He said, "I'm not upset about the ice cream! I'm upset that you did nothing to help the homeless man!" Next time, I'll be giving money.

Missy said...

You are a good Mom, Vikki!

Missy said...

PS, totally 46th and 35W. IRS took my Jag... that's a nice one too!

The Pirate of Selby Avenue said...

Once upon a time in San Fransisco, I saw a "street corner entrepreneur" with a sign that said "I won't lie to you - it's for beer."
I appreciated his honesty.